Friday 7 February 2014


Hi guys its been a while, but fear not we are back in full force!

I have always been a gossip magazine person, I love looking at what celebrities are doing,  what they are wearing whilst doing it and who they are doing it with and simply, who they are doing! Then I grew up and started reading magazines with some 'mature' content.

This transition was hard for me, but I eventually moved away from Cosmo and Cleo and all that jazz and stepped up to Bazaar and Vogue and occasionally Shop and Instyle.

However the other day whilst walking past the stand I noticed that the Cover Girl on Cosmopolitan was not a size 6, so I stopped picked it up and stared at it, for a long time - she was STUNNING and then bought it!

Not only was I delightfully surprised that they had used a model who doesn't look like a prepubescent boy, but I was also stunned by the  interesting and in depth content, I mean its not politics and human rights issues, but it certainly went beyond, 'how to wear stripes with spots'!

Here are some of the highlights from this months Cosmo, clockwise from top left;

Cover Girl Robyn Lawley's swimsuit - - recently got some major publicity when Beyonce wore one it in a clip from her new self titled album. She is also a size 12 (classified 'plus size') and stands at a whopping 1.88m!

'Start a Business' as a career woman, my dream to have my own business one day gets more and more depressing with every failed attempt, however this story reminds me that it doesn't matter how many time you fail, what counts is how many times you get back up! I loved this story and it is so inspiring to see that there are women just like us who are out there making it happen, BE INSPIRED!

'New City No Friends' though I've never travelled on my own, I do love the idea and really admire women who do, such a great read on the reality of being a loner in a new city!

I loved the shoot where another 'plus sized' model was featured, it's about time!!!

Have a magical weekend and happy reading!

Yvonne Xx