Saturday 5 April 2014

The Graduate

So it’s finally done! You completed the degree, you wore the cap and gown and you’ve collected the piece of paper, so what now?

Last week I graduated from university and after all the excitement was over it actually hit me...imagine if I didn’t have a job to go to after all this work. After these 3 years, the time and energy spent on getting only HDs left me with no time to actually try to get into the workforce.

The workforce isn’t as lucrative as it has been in the past and with companies laying people off left, right and center, its no surprise that no one is hiring and people are struggling to actually put their paper into practice.

I was lucky enough to do my degree by correspondence, so I was working fulltime in my desired role and progressed into my next career role by the time I graduated, but its not easy and unless you have pro time management skills, I would not suggest it!

So here are my tips and tricks for avoiding that awkward 18 months after graduation trying to find a job;

1.     Work Experience
I did 3 months unpaid work experience (3 days a week) for my dream hotel in their Event Planning, Sales and Marketing department. It’s not easy to combine working, studying and unpaid work, but it’s worth it!

The skills you will learn during you work experience will hold you in good stead when you finally enter the workforce. Employees also like to see that you are dedicated enough to succeeding in your career – enough to work unpaid for a period of time.

2.     Job Search
Start searching for jobs in your first year of university. It allows you to see what it is that employees want from you and gives you time to acquire those skills.

3.     Have an end goal in mind
I know exactly where I want to be – career wise – by the time I am 28.

It is so important that you know where you want to go, my fiancée always tells me, “begin with the end in mind” If you know where you want to be, you can then map a path towards it.

4.     Practice Interviews
Sounds lame I know, but you may have all the skills to succeed in the role, but your first impression is what your potential employee takes away with them. If you keep missing out on jobs, maybe you don’t interview well and its time to start practicing.

Like any other skill, interviewing requires practice and practice makes perfect!

5.     Take every opportunity
I used to avoid applying for jobs that I did not feel I had the relevant skills to fulfill, but in time I have learnt that people always ask for more then they actually require, so its worth giving it a shot.

Richard Branson said, “If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later!” As long as you know how to research or have a mentor who can help you out, don’t let an opportunity pass you by simply because you feel you can't fulfill the requirements.

These are my tips,  I’m sure other readers have their own, so please do not hesitate to share them in the comments below. Good luck, there are exciting times ahead!

Xx Yvonne

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