Friday 24 January 2014


So I LOVE LOVE decorative pillows! I mean, COME ON, who doesn’t? 

They make any boring room look spectacular. However they are also a HUGE expense when you want at least 15 on your bed alone, and then you need some for the couch and armchairs, at least 1 each for the outdoor chairs, the chair on the front porch needs 3 and the spare room get my drift.

So I decided to make my own, not because I have any sewing skills, my sister Lucy can attest to that, but because the YouTube video I found made it look so simple that even I could do it, famous last words, huh?! 

Anyway...I started by looking for inspiration on Pinterest (this is not a necessary step!) I then went and bought my two cushions from IKEA, the first one is 60cm x 60cm and the second is 1m x 1m. I bought some fabric from Spotlight I believe I bought about 2m of each (don’t quote me, do your own measurements!) and then I worked my magic.

The whole project costs me about $20.00 and took me about 20 minutes (would’ve taken less if I hadn’t had to iron the fabric! Buy fabric that doesn't need IRONING!) And voila! my brand new cushions – shame they don’t match, but now that I know how easy it is, I am going to go crazy making heaps of matching ones for every room in the house!

Mamma's gonna be so proud!

Good luck and have fun!
Yvonne Xx

Monday 13 January 2014


I don’t wear makeup and my beauty regime consists of exfoliating twice a day and using copious amounts of baby oil on my skin and Vaseline on my lips. On the rare occasion I will wear a little mascara and a smidgen of lipstick, so unfortunately my blog will never be about all the FANTASTIC beauty products I bought this week and my tips and tricks on how to look young for an eternity!

However it has finally dawned on me that my clear complexion and wrinkle free skin, won’t stay this way forever, so I have started doing some research into anti-ageing products, anti-wrinkle moisturizers, serums, potions and juju...JUST KIDDING! Ain't nobody got time for that! Instead I signed up to the most deliciously ingenious idea... BELLABOX!

BELLABOX is basically a selection of the best and newest beauty samples delivered to your house every month for $15/month, from makeup, hair products, skin products and accessories. You can then jump onto their website and purchase the full size version of the products, if you like them. I thought that I would show you what I got in last month’s delivery.

1. Romy Hand and Nail Cream (full size); 2. Kosmea rescue balm (full size); 3. Mary Kay liquid Eye Colour (full size); 
4. Coca Butter moisturizers (sample size); 5. Bellabox Canvas bag; 6. Eslor Mask, Scrub & Soothing Cream (sample size) 

The best thing about BELLABOX is that these ladies are NOT stingy. Yes, you get some sample size products, but there are always at least two (2) full size items in your box (3 in this one!) On top of that, there is even BELLABOX for Men and BELLABABY for your bundle of joy.

Oh, the excitement...enjoy!

Yvonne Xx

Thursday 9 January 2014

Creative Careers: Part I

“Choose a job you love and you will never work a day in your life” - Confucius

I was recently having a glass of wine (of course) with a friend I hadn’t seen for almost 7 years and we were discussing her line of work. What struck me was the passion she had for what she did, despite it not being a "traditional" career and her underlying fear that in the future this may not always be an easy career to pursue whilst trying to raise a family.

We put so much emphasis on the idea that the ideal career is something along the lines of teaching, nursing and accounting and the only way to be successful in any of these is to go to university and graduate. We often forget that we live in an age where the richest man on earth never finished high school; the greatest inventor had no engineering background and one of the most successful women in the world is a woman who wrote 7 fantasy novels about a wizard!

There are a plethora of opportunities out there and all it takes is a little imagination and a lot of hard work to turn a passion, hobby or simple interest into a job or better yet, a career! Over the next few weeks, I have decided to interview 3 young successful women each in jobs that are not necessarily “traditional” and within industries that are relatively difficult to get into.

So enjoy and be inspired!

Courtney Clare Gledhill, 20 years old

Company and Job Title
I am a Dancer/Sing/Model. I have various roles in many jobs. My main work is Dancing and Dance teacher.
What did you study and what work experience did you complete?
I moved to Victoria in 2012 to do a fulltime dance course at The Space Dance & Arts Centre, but I have trained my whole life in Dance.  I started singing at age 10 with Ray Risdon. I have continued my lessons with Sarah Crozier in Melbourne and I model with Cinema Models.
Run us through your typical day?
I get up around 9am, head to the gym and finish at around 10.30. Some days I have rehearsal for gigs, if not you will probably find me at dance class. I start work at 4pm teaching dance, usually finishing around 9pm. Home or dinner with friends, shower and bed.
It is very hard to have a typical day as I don’t have a set schedule, my timetable changes all the time just because of the industry I am in. But I would not have it any other way. I love being busy and being surrounded by people who share my passion.

What is the best thing about your job?
I love being able to do something that I have had the passion for since I was 2 years old. There are not many people out there that could say they have been training their whole lives to do what they want to do, but I can and I love that I still have the same passion for my job as I did 18 years ago.
What is the worst thing about your job?
I hardly ever get a break; my body goes through hell and its constantly sore.
What is the best advice you would give someone wanting to work within your industry?
Work hard, train hard and don't put all your eggs in one basket when it comes to genres, because one day you might be asked to perform a classical piece and then the next day you’re in a showgirl outfit giving it a high kick. 
Enjoy the time you have in class and take every opportunity even if its something you have no desire to do, you never know where it will lead to.
Go out and try new classes, if you’re on holiday in another state or country, go to a class. This industry is very competitive and continuous learning and networking is vital and Confident and HAVE FUN!!!

Yvonne Xx


I am not a breakfast person; I can barely string together a coherent sentence at 7am, let alone trust myself with sharp utensils! But according to my very reliable sources, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So I guess now is a better time than any to jump onto the bandwagon!

I have always been partial to smoothies, not the green kind that all the fitness gurus are drinking ATM, more the “Janine Allis” kind. So when I started noticing all my favorite fruits coming into season and Kmart, just being its usual FABULOUS self, I had a brilliant idea!

Breakfast smoothies all pre-chopped, packaged and frozen (to stop the fruit from getting too ripe and keep the smoothie cool without the ice blocks – GENIUS - if I do say so myself!) I know some of you are thinking, "its hardly rocket science," but if thats the case, why aren't we all doing it? Sometimes we just need a reminder of how easy it is! Prep takes me about 20 minutes and I do it on Sunday for the week and total cost comes to about $18.00. 

So if the thought of getting up half an hour earlier everyday doesn’t turn you on, then follow my lead!

Imitation Magic Bullet – $30.00 – Kmart
Mini Containers – 8 for $4.00– Kmart

2 punnets Strawberries
2 Mangoes
500mL Greek Yoghurt Tub
250mL Canned Passion fruit pulp

Chop all the fruit and divide evenly between the 8 containers
Add 2 TBS of yoghurt + 2 TBS of passion fruit pulp to each container
Seal and freeze

In the morning...
Add frozen fruit + ½ cup of water 
Blend and enjoy...