Monday 6 January 2014

Get Organised!

As an Event Planner, being organised is crucial for career success, so its no surprise that I LOVE organising things...everything! I organise my stuff and then I organise my boyfriend's stuff and then I re-organise my stuff again! I wish more people would let me near their stuff so I can organise that too.

So this New Year I made the only logical resolution
, to be MORE organised, one can never be too organised!

I started of my resolution with the age old favourite, To Do Lists. So today, while trolling the internet for the perfect To Do List template, I came across the most amazing template, by Christine McLauchlan

Though I haven't gone through her entire blog yet, her printable To-do-list really is inspirational! Below is my incredibly organised To Do List I downloaded this morning from Christine's blog and my top tips for a marvellously organised day - the best kind of day!

                       MY TOP TIPS 
1. Start your day by writing your list -
update it regularly throughout the day
2. Have 2 to-do-lists; work and personal 
3. Transfer incomplete tasks to the next day's list - there's no shame in it!
4. One can never have too many sticky notes - use them and abuse them
5. Nothing is too insignificant for your list "drink 5 glasses of water" is IMPORTANT
6. Reward yourself on days you achieve your entire 'To Do List' - Wine Time! 

So Happy New Year to you all and let's get organised!

Yvonne Xx


  1. Thank you so much! Just what I needed today :) All the best xo

  2. Thanks soo much, exactly what i need, January so far has been a disorganized one for hoping to have an organized February.
