Thursday 9 January 2014


I am not a breakfast person; I can barely string together a coherent sentence at 7am, let alone trust myself with sharp utensils! But according to my very reliable sources, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So I guess now is a better time than any to jump onto the bandwagon!

I have always been partial to smoothies, not the green kind that all the fitness gurus are drinking ATM, more the “Janine Allis” kind. So when I started noticing all my favorite fruits coming into season and Kmart, just being its usual FABULOUS self, I had a brilliant idea!

Breakfast smoothies all pre-chopped, packaged and frozen (to stop the fruit from getting too ripe and keep the smoothie cool without the ice blocks – GENIUS - if I do say so myself!) I know some of you are thinking, "its hardly rocket science," but if thats the case, why aren't we all doing it? Sometimes we just need a reminder of how easy it is! Prep takes me about 20 minutes and I do it on Sunday for the week and total cost comes to about $18.00. 

So if the thought of getting up half an hour earlier everyday doesn’t turn you on, then follow my lead!

Imitation Magic Bullet – $30.00 – Kmart
Mini Containers – 8 for $4.00– Kmart

2 punnets Strawberries
2 Mangoes
500mL Greek Yoghurt Tub
250mL Canned Passion fruit pulp

Chop all the fruit and divide evenly between the 8 containers
Add 2 TBS of yoghurt + 2 TBS of passion fruit pulp to each container
Seal and freeze

In the morning...
Add frozen fruit + ½ cup of water 
Blend and enjoy...

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