Monday 13 January 2014


I don’t wear makeup and my beauty regime consists of exfoliating twice a day and using copious amounts of baby oil on my skin and Vaseline on my lips. On the rare occasion I will wear a little mascara and a smidgen of lipstick, so unfortunately my blog will never be about all the FANTASTIC beauty products I bought this week and my tips and tricks on how to look young for an eternity!

However it has finally dawned on me that my clear complexion and wrinkle free skin, won’t stay this way forever, so I have started doing some research into anti-ageing products, anti-wrinkle moisturizers, serums, potions and juju...JUST KIDDING! Ain't nobody got time for that! Instead I signed up to the most deliciously ingenious idea... BELLABOX!

BELLABOX is basically a selection of the best and newest beauty samples delivered to your house every month for $15/month, from makeup, hair products, skin products and accessories. You can then jump onto their website and purchase the full size version of the products, if you like them. I thought that I would show you what I got in last month’s delivery.

1. Romy Hand and Nail Cream (full size); 2. Kosmea rescue balm (full size); 3. Mary Kay liquid Eye Colour (full size); 
4. Coca Butter moisturizers (sample size); 5. Bellabox Canvas bag; 6. Eslor Mask, Scrub & Soothing Cream (sample size) 

The best thing about BELLABOX is that these ladies are NOT stingy. Yes, you get some sample size products, but there are always at least two (2) full size items in your box (3 in this one!) On top of that, there is even BELLABOX for Men and BELLABABY for your bundle of joy.

Oh, the excitement...enjoy!

Yvonne Xx

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